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     Nileri Ateisa Rosiir

Welcome to Far Away Trading.

We were originally a nomadic trade group based out of a Velta-class and then a Colossal-class Heavy Carrier buying and selling all over the galaxy for the various galactic denizens at large. Not being stationary allowed us to come to you at nearly any location.

Market needs change and evolve which allows Far Away Trading to evolve with it. Our Current Market sites have evolved to being based out of Trade Stations, Starports, and Commerce Centers to allow broader access to wares available. This has also helped add more safety for all customers coming and going to our various market sites. 

From the smallest item to the larger ships, everything is for sale. Items are sold through Vendors while ships and vehicles use a keycard specific to the ship(s)/vehicle(s) which can be safely tucked away until the arrival at the next market site.

Current and upcoming Market sites will be listed as soon as possible to allow for easy planning and movement of your goods.

Far Away Trading allows for galactic denizens to sell their wares through us for a small fee. All ownership of goods is kept completely confidential to allow for galactic neutral trading, Far Away Trading keeps ownership until the item is sold or returned to the owner for non sale.

Please reach out to Nileri Ateisa Rosiir for details surrounding such arrangements. Currently a few Market sites exist across the galaxy with more plans in the works.

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